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to the website of
Roundhay Allotments and Gardens Association



Attached is this year’s order form for the potatoes for circulation to everyone so they can look through the list for what they might like to order.  Also if they can’t make it into the shop they are welcome to download the form, allow editing and then complete it online and send it back to me.

Many thanks

Sue   26 August 2024

Please see note from Margaret, 15 August 2024


The seed catalogues have arrived and should be available to collect from the shop on Saturday 17th August.  We are again offering 25% discount on individual seed packets.  We are only taking orders for seeds, vegetable,  flower and herbs. Orders for potatoes,  onions and garlic should be made through the hut later. These are not available through the catalogue 


Please read enclosed note in catalogue for returning orders and catalogues. 


Thank you 

Margaret P

Hi all, the lock on the gate nearest to park has gone missing, i believe this happened sometime between Wed evening and Thursday morning, we are replacing it with a new one, however please ensure you don't leave the gate unlocked when the replacement lock is fitted.

RAGA Secretary 2 August 2024


Some photos of the RAGA BBQ held last Saturday


Hi all, we are starting to supply St Aidans Food Bank on Fridays again with spare produce, at the moments it mainly Rhubarb, so if you have any surplus please leave it in the box on the table next to the containers.


RAGA Committee 27 April 2024


Our on-site shop stocks a large variety of gardening essentials at a discounted price to both Plotholders and Garden Members.

Open 11.00 until 12.00 on Saturdays and Sundays.


3 May 2024

Hello everyone Just a reminder of our opening times
August - January.    Saturday 11 - 12.
February - July. Saturday and Sunday 11 - 12
I put a notice on the gate when it changes.

The grass is growing again !!   We have two strimmers for hire.  It costs £1.00 a week to hire but there is a £20.00 deposit, which you get back on return.   The Strimmer must also be fully charged on return for the next customer.

We have been given some Field bean seeds for green manure. It’s free and just by the door, so call in for some.

The shop is very well stocked at present. 6 !! types of peat free compost, one type of multi purpose, 4 types of John Innes compost and lots of manure.   However we are not just a compost shop.   We have organic and chemical fertilisers, including ones for specific crops.    We have slug repellents and many small garden necessities. eg string, gloves and plant rings and labels etc.  One customer was heard to say “We don’t need garden centres “

We buy in bulk and weigh out small quantities.   If possible could you return the plastic bags for reuse but if not they are fully recyclable.

Finally, for the shop to function well we do need more volunteers..  We don’t expect vols to do more than one day a month and in the summer opening this is not possible with the number of volunteers that we have at present.   We are not given set days we just volunteer on days that we choose.
It’s only an hour and a half per month.

Think that’s all !!!
Regards to all and good gardening.
Barbara Greenwood.



Put it to good use for the benefit of the local community!

As you will know, Karen one of our Committee members has arranged to drop off spare vegetables and fruit at St Aidans Church Roundhay Rd once a week.

St Aidans offer fresh Veg and fruit as well as other food to local people in need. They also cook any veg/fruit which is not distributed and provide a community meal for local people once a week. This combined approach seems to offer a really good solution to spare allotment produce, so we have arranged for any spare produce we collect to go there and we are asking any plot holders who have spare produce and want to donate it to this project to drop stuff off on Thursdays (10.30am) with the Volunteer Group  and on Friday mornings with Will or Karen or just leave it on the table near the Containers. . Karen has volunteered to deliver what we get to the church; others will also help out with this. If you are interested in getting involved but can't drop off stuff on those days, please let Will know [].


 The volunteers at St Aidans have been very grateful for all the fresh produce received so far [see pictures].

Please keep it coming!

Some pictures below of our RAGA Summer Barbecue held on 22 July 2023. Very well attended, despite the rain!





Leeds City Council have teamed up with Great Green Systems to offer Leeds residents discounted prices on compost bins - to claim your discount visit


The Green Johanna is great for gardeners, you can use it to compost all your garden and food waste (even meat and dairy). It is a hot composter so it produces compost much quicker than standard compost bins and it’s also fully sealed to keep out vermin.


For more information on composting sign up to the Bin, Waste and Recycling mailing list or visit”


Kind Regards

Lynne Rogers, Senior Allotment Officer, Communities & Environment


Just a reminder that the paths between plots are the responsibility of plot holders to maintain. The Committee are therefore asking all plot holders to pay particular attention to the condition of paths around plots, several are overgrown and a danger to others and we have had one unfortunate accident due to poor path maintenance. 


RAGA Committee

People have been asking about whether or not it is now allowed to have bonfires on their plots to get rid of non- compostable rubbish.
The current advice from LCC is that only dry wood fires are allowed on allotment sites, no wet or green material is to be burnt, so please continue to compost all you can, and take anything which is liable not to burn with minimal smoke emission home with you for disposal. Or wait until things have dried out.

Please note that under the terms of the Constitution & Rules the RAGA committee carry out periodic inspections to ensure that plots are being kept up to a reasonable standard . The Managing non-cultivation Procedures are set out here

small white airmail envelope with small

ACCIDENTS : All accidents on site should be reported by email to


RAGA is an organisation whose primary aim is to administer an allotment site on the corner of Princes Avenue and Lidgett Park Road in the Leeds suburb of Roundhay.

And it's not JUST about growing vegetables of course
  • We have shaded walks

  • A wildlife area

  • A nature reserve

  • A bug hotel

Plus occasional social events, like the Summer BBQ,

learning workshops, etc., etc.


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If this is an enquiry about availability of a plot, it will be passed straight to the RAGA Lettings Officer who will respond direct to you.

©2024 by Roundhay Allotments & Gardens Association.

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